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What is the relationship between the temperature of the drying chamber of the setting machine and the temperature of the fabric surface?

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The temperature specified in the heat setting process usually refers to the temperature that the fabric substrate actually reaches, and it is the most important factor to ensure the quality of the setting. However, the heat setting of synthetic fibers is carried out in a heat setting machine. The temperature indicated by the instrument on the setting machine actually only represents the temperature value reached in the drying chamber of the setting machine, but cannot explain the actual temperature reached by the main body of the fabric. Therefore, there is a difference between the temperature of the machine drying chamber and the main body of the fabric. During the heat setting process, the temperature of the drying chamber can generally be controlled and fixed, while the temperature of the main body of the fabric changes with different factors such as fabric fibers, organizational structure, and running speed. Because the physical temperature of the fabric surface is difficult to test and display in actual production, the process setting temperature is often replaced by the machine's drying room temperature. The difference between the fixed drying room temperature and the changing surface temperature of the fabric will cause It has a certain impact on the quality of heat setting. At a certain drying room temperature, the main body of the fabric still needs a heating process, and the heating rate is also limited by factors such as the type of fabric, the structure of the fabric, and the running speed. Often the actual temperature of the surface of the fabric body is lower than the temperature of the machine drying room. Obviously, it is impossible to obtain a good setting effect.

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