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What are the professional terms for fiber?Ⅰ

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1.Isoelectric point

Adjust the pH value of the solution so that the number of positive and negative ions on the protein molecule is equal, and the pH value of this solution is the isoelectric point of the protein.

2.Milling properties of wool

Under wet and hot conditions, the wool is repeatedly acted by external forces, the fibers are interspersed and entangled with each other, and the fiber aggregate gradually shrinks and becomes tight.

3. moisture regain

Moisture regain refers to the percentage of the moisture mass in the textile fiber to the absolute dry fiber mass.

4.Iodine value

Refers to the number of milliliters of iodine solution that 1g of dry cellulose can reduce c(1/2I2)=0.1mol/l.

5.Aggregate structure

Aggregated into a certain regular arrangement Aggregated structure refers to the situation in which a polymer chain with a certain conformation passes through the action of van der Waals force or hydrogen bond.


Tensile-stressed wool fibers are treated in hot water or steam for a short period of time, and then the external force is removed and allowed to shrink in the steam. The fibers can shrink to less than their original length. This phenomenon is called "overshrinking".

7.Competition rate

The ratio of self-polymerization ability to copolymerization ability in a copolymerization reaction.

8.Mechanical relaxation phenomenon

The phenomenon in which the mechanical properties of polymers change with time is collectively referred to as mechanical relaxation.


Fiber absorbs moisture while increasing in volume, a phenomenon called swelling.

10.Cellulose molecule

Cellulose is a linear macromolecule in which β-D-glucose residues are linked by 1-4 glycosidic bonds.


The cotton fabric is treated with a concentrated caustic soda solution at room temperature, and then under the condition of applying tension to the fabric, the lye solution on the fabric is washed to improve the properties of the cotton fiber. This process is called mercerizing in the dyeing and finishing process.

12.salt shrink

When silk fibers are treated in a concentrated solution of neutral salts such as calcium chloride and calcium nitrate, significant swelling and shrinkage will occur, which is called salt shrinkage.

13.moisture balance

The moisture regain of fibers placed under a certain temperature and humidity gradually tends to a stable value, a phenomenon called moisture absorption balance.

14. beta-splitting

When the ether bond on the α-carbon atom of the strong electron withdrawing group becomes unstable, it is easy to break under the action of the base.


The smallest unit on the main chain that can move independently.


The percentage of the crystalline phase in the crystalline polymer.


Intertransition temperature between glassy and elastic states of amorphous polymers.

18.Copper value

100g of dry fiber can reduce divalent copper to grams of monovalent copper.

19.limiting oxygen index

The volume fraction of the minimum oxygen content required to maintain combustion in an oxygen-nitrogen mixture after the fiber material is ignited.


Linear and branched random macromolecules exist in free curling shape. Under the action of external force, the phenomenon that the polymer chain stretches along the direction of the external force field and is arranged in an orderly manner is called polymer orientation.


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