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Textile Auxiliary Pigment Binder

The Pigment Binder we manufacture and supply to various textile businesses in China and other countries is of superior quality. It can gradually replace the dye printing process that produces more sewage and consumes more energy. With the mass production of synthetic fibers and their blended fabrics, the application of pigment printing continues to expand, coupled with the continuous improvement of its ecological and environmental protection performance, the superiority of pigment printing is particularly prominent, and it has become the mainstream of textile printing.
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Why Choose Pigment Binder Manufactured 
By Sylic Gloabl?
Textile pigment binder has been continuously improved and developed due to its technical characteristics and ecological advantages; SYLIC GLOBAL is developing products and controlling costs with the acceleration of the integration of the international market to meet the needs of domestic and foreign consumers for green ecological textiles. need. The performance of the adhesive plays an important role in printing; the color brightness, hand feel, color fastness (such as rubbing fastness and soaping fastness, etc.) of the printed fabric depend to a large extent on the adhesive quality performance. Therefore, the development of textile pigment printing is directly related to the development of pigment binder. Here are some key highlights of our pigment binder.
A printing process that imparts a variety of colors and patterns to fabrics
Suitable for printing of various fibers and their blended fabrics
Complete color spectrum of pigment printing
Shade is easy to adjust and control
Clear print pattern
The printing process is simple and energy-saving
The pollution of printing and dyeing wastewater to the environment is reduced.
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